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War? lyrics by System Of A Down

System Of A Down War? lyrics
  • track 8 of 13, total running time
  • album System Of A Down
  • released in 1998
  • produced by
  • record label
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System Of A Down tracklist

released 1998 via

1. Suite-Pee Suite-Pee Youtube video included
2. Know Know Youtube video included
3. Sugar Sugar Youtube video included
4. Suggestions Suggestions Youtube video included
5. Spiders Spiders Youtube video included
6. DDevil DDevil Youtube video included
7. Soil Soil Youtube video included
8. War? lyrics War? Youtube video included
9. Mind Mind Youtube video included
10. Peephole
11. Cubert
12. Darts Darts Youtube video included
13. P.L.U.C.K. P.L.U.C.K. Youtube video included
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Dark is the light,
The man you fight,
With all your prayers, incantations,
Running away, a trivial day,
Of judgement and deliverance,
To whom was sold, this bounty soul,
A gentile or a priest?
Who victored over, the Seljuks,
When the Holy Land was taken
We will fight the heathens,
We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens,
We will fight the heathens
Was it the riches, of the land,
Powers of bright darkness,
That led the noble, to the East,
To fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens,
We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens,
We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens,
We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens,
We will fight the heathens
We must call upon our bright darkness,
Beliefs, they're the bullets of the wicked,
One was written on the sword,
For you must enter a room to destroy it,
International security,
Call of the righteous man,
Needs a reason to kill man,
History teaches us so,
The reason he must attain,
Must be approved by his God,
His child, partisan brother of war,
Of war, we don't speak anymore,
Of war, we don't speak anymore,
Of war, we don't speak anymore,
Of war, we don't speak anymore,
We will fight the heathens,
We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens,
We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens,
We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens,
We will fight the heathens

More info about War? lyrics

check here the lyrics for War?, the 8th song of the 13 recorded for the album System Of A Down, with a total running time of , by System Of A Down. It was released on via , and produced by .
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