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Korpiklaani music lyrics

Korpiklaani lyrics
Korpiklaani is a folk metal band from Finland who were formerly known as Shaman. The name Korpiklaani means "Backwoods Clan" in the Finnish language. In spoken language "korpi" means dark old forest. In biology it refers to boreal forest appearing on moist moraine soils, characterized by dense growth of spruce and a deep layer of moss as undergrowth. While other folk metal bands began with metal before adding folk music, Korpiklaani started with folk music before turning metal. The roots of Korpiklaani can be traced back to a Sami folk music group under the name of 'Shamaani Duo', an "in-house restaurant band" created by Jonne Jarvela in 1993. An album of folk music (Hunka Lunka) was released under this name before Jarvela relocated and "Shamaani Duo" morphed into "Shaman". ...
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Korpiklaani albums and songs lyrics

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Korpiklaani - Jylha lyrics
Jylha lyrics 
Jylha at wikipedia Jylha at spotify
Jylha lyrics
1. Verikoira  
2. Niemi  
3. Levaluhta  Levaluhta Youtube video included
4. Mylly  
5. Tuuleton  
6. Sanaton maa  
7. Kiuru  
8. Miero  
9. Pohja  
10. Huolettomat  
11. Anolan aukeat  
12. Pidot  
13. Juuret  
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Korpiklaani - Karkelo lyrics
Karkelo lyrics 
Karkelo at Karkelo at wikipedia Karkelo at spotify
Karkelo lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Korpiklaani music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 25 songs of Korpiklaani lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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