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Oh what a world lyrics by Erasure

Erasure Oh what a world lyrics
  • track 8 of 10, total running time 39:11
  • album World be gone
  • released in May 19, 2017
  • produced by Erasure, Matty Green
  • record label Mute
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Oh what a world song lyrics

I want to be in the witness protection programme
I don't like what we've become
We've become borderline obsessive compulsives
Stop the world I want to get off with you baby
Stop right now

And it seems to me it's the way it's gonna be
No-one out there wants to see the things I see
It's a crazy world a million voices go unheard
What became of wanting to be free
Oh what a world

We lost power long ago
We reap what we have sown
We have no conscience to speak of
It's sheer madness
Don't take the moral high ground
Hide behind your fake words
It's just an excuse
For your weakness

What a lost opportunity, don't be upset with me
What about all the secrets here on Earth
We unbottled the genie living out fantasies
Fell for the propaganda badly
Oh what a world

And it seems to me it's the way it's gonna be
No-one out there wants to see the things I see
It's a crazy world a million voices go unheard
What became of wanting to be free

And it seems to me it's the way it's gonna be
No-one out there wants to see the things I see
It's a crazy world a million voices go unheard
What became of wanting to be free
Oh what a world

More info about Oh what a world lyrics

check here the lyrics for Oh what a world, the 8th song of the 10 recorded for the album World be gone, with a total running time of 39:11, by Erasure. It was released on May 19, 2017 via Mute, and produced by Erasure, Matty Green.
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