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Be careful what you wish for! lyrics by Erasure

Erasure Be careful what you wish for! lyrics
  • track 2 of 10, total running time 39:11
  • album World be gone
  • released in May 19, 2017
  • produced by Erasure, Matty Green
  • record label Mute
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Be careful what you wish for! song lyrics

Oh to be alive
It's a struggle to survive
From the dark of night
Will I reach and feel the light

Will I choose my fate
In the twinkle of an eye
From the firmament
Your ideal will come to life

Rumours grow from nothing
Like a whisper in the crowd
Stars they will collide
Lovers will abide
Be careful what you wish for
We could be the very best
Put me to the test
Think about it baby

Such a lonely voice
Gotta cry for Judgement Day
A dream realised
Got to pray to make it heard

Rumours grow from nothing
Like a whisper in the crowd
Stars they will collide
Lovers will abide
Be careful what you wish for
We could be the very best
Put me to the test
Think about it baby

Towers come crumbling down
Strike of lightning
Build it back up again
Circle of life slowly turns

Rumours grow from nothing
Like a whisper in the crowd
Stars they will collide
Lovers will abide
Be careful what you wish for
We could be the very best
Put me to the test
Think about it baby

Rumours grow from nothing
Like a whisper in the crowd
Stars they will collide
Lovers will abide
Be careful what you wish for
We could be the very best
Put me to the test
Think about it baby

More info about Be careful what you wish for! lyrics

check here the lyrics for Be careful what you wish for!, the 2th song of the 10 recorded for the album World be gone, with a total running time of 39:11, by Erasure. It was released on May 19, 2017 via Mute, and produced by Erasure, Matty Green.
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