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Chuck Berry music lyrics

Chuck Berry lyrics
Charles Edward Anderson "Throw" Berry (conceived October 18, 1926 in St. Louis, Missouri) is an American guitarist, artist and musician. Throw Berry is a compelling figure and one of the pioneers of shake and move music who initially started performing in 1953. Fledgling Koda expressed, "Of all the early achievement shake and move specialists, none is more essential to the advancement of the music than Chuck Berry. He is its most noteworthy lyricist, the primary shaper of its instrumental voice, one of its most noteworthy guitarists, and one of its most prominent entertainers." John Lennon was more concise: "On the off chance that you attempted to give shake and roll another name, you may call it 'Throw Berry'." Berry was among the principal performers to be drafted into the Rock and R...
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Chuck Berry albums and songs lyrics

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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Chuck Berry music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 22 songs of Chuck Berry lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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