When you're not here song lyrics
It's a pretty thing there to hold your head
It's like the sanity is hanging on a thread
The flesh is cold and needs some nails
And the look you give, it never fails
I love the way you hurt me
I love that you don't care
My love is dark and twisted
And I scream when you're not there
It's the interesting way, it fills my brain
[?] but never the same
I love it when you're heavy and crack a smile
The best is when you make it last a while
I love the way you hurt me
I love that you don't care
My love is dark and twisted
And I scream when you're not there
Can't seem to get away
This ghost I'll never find
It haunts me 'til this day
I can't get back my mind
I love the way you hurt me
I love that you don't care
My love is dark and twisted
And I scream when you're not there
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lyrics for When you're not here, the 9th song of the 13 recorded for the album The serenity of suffering, with a total running time of , by Korn. It was released on via , and produced by .