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Take me lyrics by Korn

Korn Take me lyrics
  • track 6 of 13, total running time
  • album The serenity of suffering
  • released in 2016
  • produced by
  • record label
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Take me song lyrics

You bumped into me
I was down and you took me up past the ceiling
You are the disease
I'm the remedy that numbs all your feelings
You come lookin' for me
I'm the only one that keeps you sound
I bring you down to your knees
'Cuz I'm the only that makes you, you, you-you!

Take me
Please take me
It's the only way
Please take me

You came after me
I'm not worth anything if I'm not inside you
Only you can truly see
All the hell you put me through when the fish is feeding
Can't really make a break
'Cuz every time I run away, you hunt me down
You can't ever be me
'Cuz every time I turn around it's you, you, you, it's you

Take me
Please take me
It's the only way
Please take me

I feel it dulling, I feel it helping me
It's taking everything all up away from me
I feel it ripping, I feel it scarring me
This shit has made me cry to all reality
I feel it calling
I feel it calling
It's calling me


Take me
Please take me
It's the only way
Please take me

Take me
Please take me
It's the only way
Please take me

More info about Take me lyrics

check here the lyrics for Take me, the 6th song of the 13 recorded for the album The serenity of suffering, with a total running time of , by Korn. It was released on via , and produced by .
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