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Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes music lyrics

Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes lyrics
In the event that you didn't know Frank Carter is the previous Gallows and Pure Love front man ? two groups that couldn't be much further separated in the event that they attempted ? one that pushed punk and bad-to-the-bone into the British standard, the other are more energetic far reaching sound. His new venture Frank Carter and The Rattlesnakes is immovably in the camp of irate growling and wild. They rose apparently all of a sudden in mid 2015 with the single 'Teeth', which they soon caught up with an EP, "Spoiled", in May, and their presentation collection, "Bloom", in August. Individuals: Frank Carter - vocals, Dean Richardson - guitar, Thomas Mitchener - low pitch guitar, Memby Jago - drums....
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Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes albums and songs lyrics

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Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes - Dark rainbow lyrics
Dark rainbow lyrics 
Dark rainbow at spotify
Dark rainbow lyrics
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Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes - Sticky lyrics
Sticky lyrics 
Sticky at Sticky at wikipedia Sticky at spotify
Sticky lyrics
Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes - End of suffering lyrics
End of suffering lyrics 
End of suffering at End of suffering at spotify
End of suffering lyrics
Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes - Modern ruin lyrics
Modern ruin lyrics 
Modern ruin at Modern ruin at wikipedia Modern ruin at spotify
Modern ruin lyrics
1. Bluebelle  
2. Lullaby  
3. Snake eyes  
4. Vampires  
5. Wild flowers  
6. Acid veins  
7. God is my friend  
8. Jackals  
9. Thunder  
10. Real life  
11. Modern ruin  
12. Neon rust  
Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes - Blossom lyrics
Blossom lyrics 
Blossom at Blossom at wikipedia Blossom at spotify
Blossom lyrics
1. Juggernaut  
2. Trouble  
3. Fangs  
4. Devil inside me  
5. Paradise  
6. Loss  
7. Beautiful death  
8. Rotten blossom  
9. Primary explosive  
10. I hate you  
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes music. Our databases have 5 albums and a total of 55 songs of Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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