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Original sin lyrics by Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes

Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes Original sin lyrics
  • track 9 of 9, total running time 28:27
  • album Sticky
  • released in 15, 2021
  • produced by Dean Richardson
  • record label International Death Cult
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Sticky tracklist

released 2021 via International Death Cult

1. Sticky
2. Bang bang
3. Take it to the brink
4. My town
5. Go get a tattoo
6. Off with his head
7. Cobra queen
8. Rat race
9. Original sin lyrics
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I've seen it with my own two eyes
The river fire, and the whipping lines
The cracking earth, and the boiling sea
I've seen the end of everything
I seen him up there, on his throne
Made out of my loved ones bones

I seen the devil, behind my words
The words I say when I feel hurt
And I hear the devil in the back of my mind
Not every day, just some of the time
Oh God, oh yeah, oh God, oh yeah

I seen him with my own two eyes
Lost and lustful, love's desire
I watched him turn true love to hate
True love to filth, true love to waste
I seen him up there eating souls
Watched him 'cause my pain to flow

I seen the devil, behind my words
The words I say when I feel hurt
And I hear the devil in the back of my mind
Not every day, just some of the time
Oh God, oh yeah, oh God, oh yeah

I got Jesus in my head like a stinger
He moves from tree to tree in the back of my mind
A ragged shadowy figure, I got Him
I got original Sin, I got original Sin, I got original Sin

Can't do right, I must be wrong
I've been running from the devil since the day I was born
Temptation is a bitch I can't refuse
Her legs wide open in her high heeled shoes, I got him
I got original Sin, I got original Sin

I find myself on a deviant road
With the stoned and fallen women, where the bad blood flows
Where lost souls gather, crying in pain
Sad copulation, all trying in vain
To reach a destination that doesn't exist
So we have another line, we have another kiss
And we got no love, we got no home
I'll meet you down where the buffalo roam, I got him
I got original Sin, I got original Sin, I got original Sin
Sin, Sin Sin Sin Sin Sin

More info about Original sin lyrics

check here the lyrics for Original sin, the 9th song of the 9 recorded for the album Sticky, with a total running time of 28:27, by Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes. It was released on 15, 2021 via International Death Cult, and produced by Dean Richardson.
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