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Rainbow of colors lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Rainbow of colors lyrics
  • track 9 of 10, total running time 50:21
  • album Colorado
  • released in Octobre 25, 2019
  • produced by John Hanlon, Neil Young
  • record label Reprise Records
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Colorado tracklist

released 2019 via Reprise Records

1. Think of me
2. She showed me love
3. Olden days
4. Help me lose my mind
5. Green is blue
6. Shut it down
7. Milky way
8. Eternity
9. Rainbow of colors lyrics
10. I do
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Rainbow of colors song lyrics

There's a rainbow of colors
In the old USA
No one's gonna whitewash
Those colors away

Now I know some might tell me
That there's not room for all
And they should just go back
To their place and stay far
Where their lives lie there broken
There's no chance left at all
And the leaders have spoken
On that side of the wall

There's a rainbow of colors
In the old USA
No one's gonna whitewash
Those colors away

But this I can tell you
We the people are strong
And we know that our brothers
And our sisters in song
Will always sing with us
And will always be strong
When the people have spoken
And the walls are all gone

There's a rainbow of colors
In the old USA
No one's gonna whitewash
Those colors away

More info about Rainbow of colors lyrics

check here the lyrics for Rainbow of colors, the 9th song of the 10 recorded for the album Colorado, with a total running time of 50:21, by Neil Young. It was released on Octobre 25, 2019 via Reprise Records, and produced by John Hanlon, Neil Young.
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