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Olden days lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Olden days lyrics
  • track 3 of 10, total running time 50:21
  • album Colorado
  • released in Octobre 25, 2019
  • produced by John Hanlon, Neil Young
  • record label Reprise Records
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Colorado tracklist

released 2019 via Reprise Records

1. Think of me
2. She showed me love
3. Olden days lyrics
4. Help me lose my mind
5. Green is blue
6. Shut it down
7. Milky way
8. Eternity
9. Rainbow of colors
10. I do
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Where have you been, my long-lost friend?
We haven't talked since way back when
And how is life with your new love
I hope she's something from above

Something happened yesterday
I need to talk to you
Now I'm finding out you moved away
I'm reaching out to you today

I saw you walking in the past
You said your love would always last
Then I saw you all alone
Said your heart had turned to stone

Nothing matters anyway
I thought I heard her say to you
Nothing matters anyway
Then she walked away from you

There was laughter in the air
The children all were there
Playing in the warming sun
Counting dreamers, one-by-one

I'm living in the olden days
I found my friends along the way
Some are here with me right now
Some have disappeared somehow

Where did all the people go?
Why did they fade away from me?
They meant so much to me and now I know
That they're here to stay in my heart

More info about Olden days lyrics

check here the lyrics for Olden days, the 3th song of the 10 recorded for the album Colorado, with a total running time of 50:21, by Neil Young. It was released on Octobre 25, 2019 via Reprise Records, and produced by John Hanlon, Neil Young.
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