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Inca Queen lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Inca Queen lyrics
  • track 4 of 9, total running time
  • album Life
  • released in 1987
  • produced by
  • record label
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Once there was an inca queen
She gazed at her sundial
All around her workers raised
Golden idols to her smile
The waiting years weren't hard to see
Behind the tears of mercury.

She spoke of silver from the sky
And many floating safety boats
To pick them up when they would fly
Far above their dreams and hopes
And they a mountain city raised
Where their queen above the clouds
Could watch out.

Inca queen has, inca queen has, inca queen has come
Inca queen has, inca queen has, inca queen has come.

Out in the jungle the drums were heard: inca queen has come
From the biggest elephant to the smallest bird: inca queen has come
She spoke of silver from the sky, inca queen has come
To pick them up when they would fly, inca queen has come.

Once there was an inca queen
She gazed at her sundial
All around her workers raised
Golden idols to her smile
And though the air was thin and cold
Soon the day would come the queen had told.

Inca queen has, inca queen has, inca queen has come.

More info about Inca Queen lyrics

check here the lyrics for Inca Queen, the 4th song of the 9 recorded for the album Life, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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