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Around The World lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Around The World lyrics
  • track 3 of 9, total running time
  • album Life
  • released in 1987
  • produced by
  • record label
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Around The World song lyrics

Boy and girl fall in love
Dreamin' under stars above
Meanwhile push comes to shove
Around the world.

Leaders fall, leaders rise
Terror wears a thin disguise
Not much room for compromise
Around the world.

Surfers from seven seas
Sharing with the submarines
Experts count war machines
Around the world.

People sweat in planted fields
Students study what is real
Someone builds a laser shield
Around the world.

Fashion change, style change
Fashion change, style change
Fashion change, style change.

Hey! what's that you got on?
You're sure looking good tonight!
Where'd you pick that up anyway?
Wow! you're looking beautiful!
Hey! you are somethin' else tonight, so skin tight.
Yeah! come on, lets go out! come on!

Why do we have to hate
Why do we incinerate
Why don't we illuminate
Around the world.

Why don't we illuminate
Why don't we illuminate
Around the world.

More info about Around The World lyrics

check here the lyrics for Around The World, the 3th song of the 9 recorded for the album Life, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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