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Hitchhiker lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Hitchhiker lyrics
  • track 6 of 8, total running time
  • album Le noise
  • released in 2010
  • produced by
  • record label
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Le noise tracklist

released 2010 via

1. Walk with me
2. Sign of love
3. Someone's gonna rescue you
4. Love and war
5. Angry world
6. Hitchhiker lyrics
7. Paceful valley boulevard
8. Rumblin
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When I was a hitchhiker on the road
I had to count on you
But you needed me to ease the load
And for conversation too
Or did you just drive on through.

You didn't see me in Toronto
When I first tried out some hash
Smoked some then and I'll do it again
If I only had some cash
Only had some cash.

Then I tried amphetamines
And my head was in a glass
Taped underneath the speedometer wires
Of my '48 Buick's dash.
But I knew that wouldn't last.

Then came California
Where I first saw open water
In the land of opportunity
I knew I was getting hotter
I knew I was getting hotter.

But the neon lights
And the endless nights
The neon lights
And the endless nights
The neon lights
And the endless nights
The neon lights
And the endless nights
They took me by surprise
The doctor gave me valium
But I still couldn't close my eyes
I still couldn't close my eyes.

Then came paranoia
And it ran away with me
I couldn't sign my autograph
Or appear on TV
Or see or be seen
See or be seen
Or see or be seen.

Living in the country
Sounded good to me
Smoking grass while the summer lasts
In the real organic sea
Where everything was green
Everything was green.

Then we had a kid and we split apart
I was living on the road
A little cocaine went a long long way
To ease that different load
But my head did explode
My head did explode.

I wish I was an Aztec
Or a runner in Peru
I would build such beautiful buildings
To house the chosen few
Like an Inca from Peru.

When I was a hitchhiker on the road
I had to count on you
But you needed me to ease the load
And for conversation too
Or did you just drive on
Did you just drive on
Did you just drive on through.

Or did you just drive on
Did you just drive on
Did you just drive on through.

More info about Hitchhiker lyrics

check here the lyrics for Hitchhiker, the 6th song of the 8 recorded for the album Le noise, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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