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Love and war lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Love and war lyrics
  • track 4 of 8, total running time
  • album Le noise
  • released in 2010
  • produced by
  • record label
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Le noise tracklist

released 2010 via

1. Walk with me
2. Sign of love
3. Someone's gonna rescue you
4. Love and war lyrics
5. Angry world
6. Hitchhiker
7. Paceful valley boulevard
8. Rumblin
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When I sing about love and war
I don't really know what I'm saying
I've been in love and I've seen a lot of war
Seen a lot of people praying

They prayed to Allah, they prayed to the Lord
And mostly they prayed about love and war

Prayed about love and war
Prayed about love and war

I've seen a lot of young man go to war
And leave a lot young brides waiting
I watched them try to explain it to their kids
And seen a lot of them failing
They tried to tell and they tried to explain
Why daddy won't ever come home again

Daddy won't ever come home
Daddy won't ever come home

I said a lot of things that I can't take back
But I don't really know if I want to
They've been songs about love; I sang songs about war
Since the back streets of Toronto

I sang for justice and I hit a bad chord
But I still trying to sing about love and war

The saddest thing in a whole wide world
Is to break the heart of your lover
I made a mistake and I did it again
And we struggle to recover

Then I sang in anger, hit another bad chord
But I still trying to sing about love and war

Sing about love and war
Sing about love and war
Love and war

When I sing about love and war
I don't really know what I'm saying
I've been in love and I've seen a lot of war
Seen a lot of people praying

They prayed to Allah, they prayed to the Lord
And mostly they prayed about love and war

Prayed about love and war
Prayed about love and war
Love and war

More info about Love and war lyrics

check here the lyrics for Love and war, the 4th song of the 8 recorded for the album Le noise, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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