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The Prodigy music lyrics

The Prodigy lyrics
The Prodigy are a Braintree, Essex, UK, electronic music group (aka Prodigy), formed by Liam Howlett (composition, keyboards), in 1990. They have sold over 20 million records worldwide, which is almost unequalled in dance music history. Their music consists of various styles ranging from rave and breakbeat hardcore in the early 90s to alternative rock and big beat, with punk vocal elements in later times. Other current band members include: Keith Flint (dancing, vocals), Maxim (MCing, vocals) and live guitarist Rob Holliday (Marilyn Manson, Gary Numan, Curve, Sulpher). Leeroy Thornhill (dancing, occasional live keyboards), was a member of the band from 1990 to 2000, as well was a female dancer / vocalist Sharky, who left the band du...
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The Prodigy albums and songs lyrics

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The Prodigy - No tourists lyrics
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The Prodigy - The day is my enemy lyrics The day is my enemy lyrics
The Prodigy - The fat of the land lyrics The fat of the land lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to The Prodigy music. Our databases have 3 albums and a total of 33 songs of The Prodigy lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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