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Finch music lyrics

Finch lyrics
There are at least three artists with this name; a seventies Australian rock band, a post-hardcore band and a Dutch progressive rock band. 1. Finch is an American post-hardcore band from Temecula, California. They reformed from hiatus in November 2007 after a two year break. They have completed a reunion tour across the east coast, west coast’s of America and the U.K. They have since completed a new self titled EP (released July 2008); their first new material for three years… They are currently unsigned, focusing on more freedom to work independent from a record label. The band was formerly part of Drive-Thru Records who had a contract with MCA Records to transfer bands to their label. MCA Records was later bought out by G...
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Finch albums and songs lyrics

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Finch - Back to oblivion lyrics Back to oblivion lyrics
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Finch - What it is to burn lyrics What it is to burn lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Finch music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 25 songs of Finch lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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