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Flyleaf music lyrics

Flyleaf lyrics
Flyleaf is an American rock band, formed in Belton, Texas, United States in 2000. They originated as a band called Listen, and then changed name to Passerby, but due to an existing band owning the rights to that name, their name was changed to Flyleaf after they were signed to their record label. “A flyleaf is the blank page at the front of a book,” explains Lacey Mosley, Flyleaf’s vocalist. “It’s the dedication page, the place you write a message to someone you’re giving a book to. And, that’s kind of what our songs are — personal messages that provide a few moments of clarity before the story begins”. Their music is a mix of hard rock styles. The band cites influences such as Rage ...
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Flyleaf albums and songs lyrics

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Flyleaf - Between the stars lyrics
Between the stars lyrics 
Between the stars at Between the stars at wikipedia
Between the stars lyrics
1. Set me on fire  
2. Magnetic  
3. Traitor  
4. Platonic  
5. Head under water  
6. Sober serenade  
7. Thread  
8. Marionette  
9. Well of lies  
10. City kids  
11. Blues roses  
12. Home  
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Flyleaf - Memento mori lyrics
Memento mori lyrics 
Memento mori at Memento mori at wikipedia Memento mori at spotify
Memento mori lyrics
1. Beautiful bride  
2. Again  
3. Chasm  
4. Missing  
5. This close  
6. The kind  
7. In the dark  
8. Set apart this dream  
9. Swept away  
10. Tiny heart  
11. Treasure  
12. Circle  
13. Arise  
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Flyleaf music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 25 songs of Flyleaf lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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