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The Gaslight Anthem music lyrics

The Gaslight Anthem lyrics
The Gaslight Anthem is a rock band from New Brunswick, New Jersey. Since forming in 2006, they have released four full-length albums and an EP. They were described by Kerrang! magazine as “the best new band you’ll hear in 2008.” The lineup consists of Brian Fallon (vocals and guitar), Alex Levine (bass), Benny Horowitz (drums), and Alex Rosamilia (guitar). The Gaslight Anthem’s music embraces many elements of blues, classic rock, and punk rock. The band has described their sound as “Bruce Springsteen singing for a Cure cover band, with a tinge more aggression.” The group’s fondness for Springsteen, a significant influence on their music, is celebrated by fans and critics alike. Representative of such views, one critic wrot ...
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check here most of album and songs lyrics to The Gaslight Anthem music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 25 songs of The Gaslight Anthem lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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