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Palms music lyrics

Palms lyrics
There are 4 bands with this name: 1) Palms is an American rock band that formed in 2011. The group features Deftones vocalist Chino Moreno and three members of the post-metal band Isis: bassist Jeff Caxide, drummer Aaron Harris and guitarist Bryant Clifford Meyer. After the demise of Isis in 2010, Caxide, Harris and Meyer decided they wanted to continue making music together. Moreno would later join the band and said he was always a fan of Isis. He went on to say, “I’ve always dug the moods these dudes convey with their sound. I am excited to combine my sense of creativity with theirs, and to have fun doing so.” Palms is also an outlet for Caxide, Harris and Meyer to expand their sound beyond what Isis was. Caxide ...
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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Palms music. Our databases have 1 albums and a total of 6 songs of Palms lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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