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Wizard music lyrics

Wizard lyrics
Wizard is a German Power Metal band, formed in 1989 by the drummer Sören van Heek. The band was often called “Germany’s answer to Manowar”. On some albums the lyrics are about battles, metal, war and steel. The exception were the albums Odin, which is a concept album about Norse mythology, Goochan which is a fantasy story about a witch (written by Volker Leson and author William B. Nuke), Thor which is also about north mythology and … of wariwulfs and bluotvarwes which is about vampires and werewolfs (written by Wizard and Andre Wiesler, German author). Wizard played at Wacken Open Air 2002, Bang Your Head!!! 2002, Keep It True 2004, Dokk’em Open Air 2006, Magic Circle Festival 2009 and is in the 2012 lin...
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Wizard albums and songs lyrics

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Wizard - Trail of death lyrics
Trail of death lyrics 
Trail of death lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Wizard music. Our databases have 1 albums and a total of 11 songs of Wizard lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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