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Mogwai music lyrics

Mogwai lyrics
Mogwai are a band from Glasgow formed in 1995. They compose lengthy, mostly instrumental guitar-based pieces in the style of post-rock, usually focused around the elaboration of a single theme, and are known traditionally for their quiet/loud dynamic, defined bass riffs, and an eminent ambient sound, sometimes dark and sometimes grand. Although frequently referred to as post-rock, the band have revealed in interviews that they despise this categorization, insisting that their sound bears little resemblance to pioneers of the genre, such as Tortoise. The band were originally signed to renowned Glasgow indie label Chemikal Underground, but call a number of labels home, being distributed by different labels such as Matador in the United S ...
Mogwai official site Mogwai at spotify Mogwai at Mogwai at youtube Mogwai at wikipedia Mogwai at myspace 3671 views

Mogwai albums and songs lyrics

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Mogwai - The bad fire lyrics
The bad fire lyrics 
The bad fire at The bad fire at wikipedia
The bad fire lyrics
subscribe amazon music
Mogwai - As the love continues lyrics As the love continues lyrics
Mogwai - Every countrys sun lyrics Every countrys sun lyrics
Mogwai - Atomic lyrics
Atomic lyrics 
Atomic at Atomic at wikipedia Atomic at spotify
Atomic lyrics
1. Ether  
2. SCRAM  
3. Bitterness centrifuge  
4. U-235  
5. Pripyat  
6. Weak force  
7. Little boy  
8. Are u a dancer?  
9. Tzar  
10. Fat man  
Mogwai - Rave tapes lyrics
Rave tapes lyrics 
Rave tapes at Rave tapes at wikipedia Rave tapes at spotify
Rave tapes lyrics
Mogwai - Rock action lyrics
Rock action lyrics 
Rock action at Rock action at wikipedia
Rock action lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Mogwai music. Our databases have 6 albums and a total of 63 songs of Mogwai lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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