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Paralysed lyrics by Travis

Travis Paralysed lyrics
  • track 4 of 10, total running time
  • album Everything at once
  • released in 2016
  • produced by
  • record label
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Everything at once tracklist

released 2016 via

1. What will come
2. Magnificient time
3. Radio song
4. Paralysed lyrics
5. Animals
6. Everything at once
7. 3 miles high
8. All of the places
9. Idlewild
10. Strangers on a train
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Paralysed song lyrics

Looking at my window
I can see the light
All the pretty people
Turning inside out
Watching television every single night
And when you twitter your opinion
Oh it feels so right

Wanna run wanna run but I'm paralysed
And the river running through me
Is as cold as ice
It's alright it's alright till you realise
That every memory is like a
Wieght around your feet

But I'm still looking at the window
Trying to be someone
All the pretty people
Eyes like valium
Preening for the screen like a Kardashian
And do you ever get the feeling
You're the only one

Wanna run wanna run but I'm paralysed
And the river running through me
Is as cold as ice
It's alright it's alright till you realise
That every memory is like a
Wieght around your feet
It goes around around
Like dirty laundry
Spins around round
We are never free
But I Will rise I will rise
Look you in the eye
And remember how it feels to be alive
When we were free
Not paralysed
Apparently paralysed
Apparently paralysed
Apparently paralysed

More info about Paralysed lyrics

check here the lyrics for Paralysed, the 4th song of the 10 recorded for the album Everything at once, with a total running time of , by Travis. It was released on via , and produced by .
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