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Waterproof mascara lyrics by Sheryl Crow

Sheryl Crow Waterproof mascara lyrics
  • track 6 of 12, total running time
  • album Feels like home
  • released in 2013
  • produced by
  • record label
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Waterproof mascara song lyrics

So he wants to know
Does Superman really need to wear his cape to fly?
Where does rain come from?
And can I play outside?
All my friends have daddys, momma why don't I?

And so I wear waterproof mascara
There's things you shouldn't see when you're a kid
Thank God they make waterproof mascara
'Cuz it won't run like his daddy did

So I'm dating again
Letting my guard down is just so hard to do
Never introduced my son to someone new
'Cuz if I get my heart broke
Honey he will too

And so I wear waterproof mascara
There's things you shouldn't see when you're a kid
Thank God they make waterproof mascara
'Cuz it won't run like his daddy did

I can throw the ball out in the yard
Teach him how to fish
How to drive a car
But in my heart, it just wont be enough
We've always gotten by somehow
I may not need a man right now
But I know he does

Thank God they make waterproof mascara
'Cuz it wont run like his daddy did
That's why I wear waterproof mascara

More info about Waterproof mascara lyrics

check here the lyrics for Waterproof mascara, the 6th song of the 12 recorded for the album Feels like home, with a total running time of , by Sheryl Crow. It was released on via , and produced by .
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