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Against Me! music lyrics

Against Me! lyrics
Against Me! is a punk rock band originally from Naples, Florida, and later relocated to Gainesville, Florida. They are known for their heavily folk-influenced sound and energetic live shows (Spin named them one of the 25 greatest live bands in 2006). Their first full-length album, released on No Idea Records in 2002, was the highly-acclaimed Reinventing Axl Rose. In December 2005, they signed to Sire Records, and released their major label debut, New Wave, on July 10, 2007. June 4, 2010 saw the release of their fifth studio album, White Crosses. Laura Jane Grace (formerly known as Tom Gabel) started Against Me! in 1997 as a solo act at the age of 17. She would only occasionally perform with support from drummers and/or bassists. This pe...
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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Against Me! music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 24 songs of Against Me! lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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