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Virgin Steele music lyrics

Virgin Steele lyrics
Virgin Steele is a heavy metal band from New York, founded in 1981. They play what they call “barbaric-romantic” metal, which is very symphonic and contains many elements from classical music. Band-leader David DeFeis describes the music as “From a whisper to a scream, barbaric, romantic, bombastic, yet subtle, grandiose, yet earthy. A call, a shout, an invocation to Freedom and the continual awakening to the awareness that every moment of life is lived to its fullest potential. It is a force, a sacred quest which drives Virgin Steele on....
Virgin Steele at Virgin Steele at wikipedia 3019 views

Virgin Steele albums and songs lyrics

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Virgin Steele - The House Of Atreus - Act I lyrics The House Of Atreus - Act I lyrics
Virgin Steele - Invictus lyrics
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Invictus lyrics
Virgin Steele - The Marriage Of Heaven And Hell (part 2) lyrics The Marriage Of Heaven And Hell (part 2) lyrics
Virgin Steele - The Marriage Of Heaven And Hell (part 1) lyrics The Marriage Of Heaven And Hell (part 1) lyrics
Virgin Steele - Life Among The Ruins lyrics
Life Among The Ruins lyrics 
Life Among The Ruins lyrics
Virgin Steele - Age Of Consent lyrics
Age Of Consent lyrics 
Age Of Consent lyrics
Virgin Steele - Noble Savage lyrics
Noble Savage lyrics 
Noble Savage lyrics
Virgin Steele - Guardians Of The Flame lyrics Guardians Of The Flame lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Virgin Steele music. Our databases have 8 albums and a total of 108 songs of Virgin Steele lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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