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VAST music lyrics

VAST lyrics
VAST stands for Visual Audio Sensory Theater, and is the brainchild of Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter and musician Jon Crosby. VAST’s sound is identifiable as ambient electro-rock with considerable industrial and acoustic influences, usually made with Crosby’s traditional acoustic guitar, electronic instruments and processing, drum-driven tracks, and heavy bass. In recent years, however, VAST’s sound has been more identifiable with acoustic rock in releases such as April and Me and You. The musical outfit began in rather minimalist fashion when Jon was only sixteen, with the other members of the outfit being a drum machine and a bass player. Their real rise to fame began when a local radio station granted ...
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VAST albums and songs lyrics

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VAST - Visual Audio Sensory Theater lyrics Visual Audio Sensory Theater lyrics
1. Here  
2. Touched  
3. Dirty Hole  
4. Pretty When You Cry  
5. I'm Dying  
6. Flames  
7. Temptation  
8. Three Doors  
9. The Niles Edge  
10. Somewhere Else To Be  
11. (untitled)  
12. You  
check here most of album and songs lyrics to VAST music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 24 songs of VAST lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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