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Amplifier music lyrics

Amplifier lyrics
Twenty-four months after the release of their critically acclaimed third album The Octopus, Amplifier are back with a brand new album called Echo Street - their first with the new four-piece line-up - and a new working arrangement with Kscope. The deal sees the band come full circle. Sales of independently released The Octopus left them amazed and delighted, and encouraged them to headhunt the promise of Kscope (home to Anathema, Porcupine Tree etc) to now provide the best of both worlds - artistic freedom and commercial clout to take Amplifier to a new level. Such change is constant for Amplifier, who have always been a band that refuses to stand still. Now the band of Sel Balamir (guitars) and Matt Brobin (drums) re-emerge at the core ...
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Amplifier albums and songs lyrics

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Amplifier - Mystoria lyrics
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Amplifier - Echo street lyrics
Echo street lyrics 
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Echo street lyrics
Amplifier - Amplifier lyrics
Amplifier lyrics 
Amplifier at Amplifier at wikipedia Amplifier at spotify
Amplifier lyrics
1. Amplifier  
2. Airborne  
3. Panzer  
4. Old movies  
5. Post acid youth  
6. Neon  
7. On/off  
8. The consultancy  
9. One great summer  
10. UFOs  
11. Boomtime  
12. Half life  
13. Throw away  
14. Glory electricity  
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Amplifier music. Our databases have 3 albums and a total of 34 songs of Amplifier lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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