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Cold War Kids music lyrics

Cold War Kids lyrics
Los Angeles four-piece Cold War Kids elevate their passionate take on indie rock with their emotionally-raw fourth album Dear Miss Lonelyhearts. Formed in 2004, the band?s breakthrough debut Robbers & Cowards was released to considerable acclaim in 2006. The darker Loyalty To Loyalty followed two years later, and 2011?s Mine Is Yours introduced deeper anthemic qualities to the eclectic group?s catalog. Dear Miss Lonelyhearts, which features the rollicking, energetic single ?Miracle Mile,? is Cold War Kids? first release with former Modest Mouse and Murder City Devils guitarist Dann Gallucci, who also handled its production alongside Lars Stalfors. ?We were shaken up, ready to let ce ...
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Cold War Kids albums and songs lyrics

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Cold War Kids - New age norms 3 lyrics
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Cold War Kids - L.A. divine lyrics
L.A. divine lyrics 
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L.A. divine lyrics
Cold War Kids - Dear miss lonelyhearts lyrics Dear miss lonelyhearts lyrics
Cold War Kids - Robbers & cowards lyrics
Robbers & cowards lyrics 
Robbers & cowards at Robbers & cowards at wikipedia
Robbers & cowards lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Cold War Kids music. Our databases have 5 albums and a total of 55 songs of Cold War Kids lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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