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Rigor Mortis music lyrics

Rigor Mortis lyrics
There are more than two bands under the name Rigor Mortis: 1- Originally formed in 1983 when schoolmates Harden Harrison and Casey Orr met Mike Scaccia. The three shared a love for horror/gore flicks and extremely heavy music, and that recipe helped them create a truly unique form of speed metal that had never been heard before. Within five years they had virtually created the thrash metal scene in Texas. In 1988, with Bruce Corbitt on vocals, Rigor Mortis released their self-titled debut album on Capitol Records, considered by many to be the first underground metal band to sign with a major label They released their first album in 1988, titled Rigor Mortis. Rigor Mortis (the album) is competant, energetic thrash, punctuated by the b...
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Rigor Mortis albums and songs lyrics

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Rigor Mortis lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Rigor Mortis music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 20 songs of Rigor Mortis lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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