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Stryper music lyrics

Stryper lyrics
Formed in 1983 in La Mirada, California by brothers Michael and Robert Sweet and guitarist Oz Fox as Roxx Regime, they would change their message and name to Stryper to go on to be the first Christian rock band to be recognized by the mainstream. According to the To Hell With The Devil Songfacts, Stryper took their name from a Bible verse Isaiah 53: 5, which says “….by His stripes we are healed.” Stryper they explained was an acronym meaning “Salvation Through Redemption Yielding Peace, Encouragement and Righteousness.” In 1983 they were signed by Enigma Records and released their first album The Yellow and Black Attack. By the mid-1980s, Stryper saw their most successful period starting with the release of...
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Stryper albums and songs lyrics

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Stryper - Even the devil believes lyrics Even the devil believes lyrics
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Stryper - God damn evil lyrics
God damn evil lyrics 
God damn evil lyrics
Stryper - Fallen lyrics
Fallen lyrics 
Fallen at Fallen at wikipedia Fallen at spotify
Fallen lyrics
Stryper - No more hell to pay lyrics
No more hell to pay lyrics 
No more hell to pay lyrics
Stryper - Second coming lyrics
Second coming lyrics 
Second coming at Second coming at wikipedia Second coming at spotify
Second coming lyrics
Stryper - To hell with the devil lyrics To hell with the devil lyrics
Stryper - Soldiers under command lyrics Soldiers under command lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Stryper music. Our databases have 7 albums and a total of 83 songs of Stryper lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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