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Bonnie Tyler music lyrics

Bonnie Tyler lyrics
Bonnie Tyler (born Gaynor Hopkins on 8 June 1951- Skewen, Wales, United Kingdom) is a Welsh singer/songwriter, most notable for her hits in the 1970s and 1980s including “It’s a Heartache”, “Holding Out for a Hero” and “Total Eclipse of the Heart”. Tyler is a three-time Grammy Award nominee, Brit Award nominee in 1984 and 1986 for Best British Female and three-time Goldene Europa award winner. She became the first western artist to tour the Soviet Union. Born into a family that included three sisters and two brothers. Her father, Glyn Hopkins, worked in a coal mine and her mother, Elsie Hopkins, (an opera lover) shared her love for music with her children, and was known to have been part of the ...
Bonnie Tyler official site Bonnie Tyler at Bonnie Tyler at youtube Bonnie Tyler at wikipedia Bonnie Tyler at myspace 3353 views

Bonnie Tyler albums and songs lyrics

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Bonnie Tyler - The best is yet to come lyrics The best is yet to come lyrics
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Bonnie Tyler - Rocks and honey lyrics
Rocks and honey lyrics 
Rocks and honey at Rocks and honey at wikipedia Rocks and honey at spotify
Rocks and honey lyrics
Bonnie Tyler - Wings lyrics
Wings lyrics 
Wings at Wings at wikipedia Wings at spotify
Wings lyrics
Bonnie Tyler - Faster than the speed of night lyrics Faster than the speed of night lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Bonnie Tyler music. Our databases have 4 albums and a total of 48 songs of Bonnie Tyler lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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