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Airbourne music lyrics

Airbourne lyrics
Airbourne is a rock and roll band from Warrnambool, Australia. The band was formed in 2003 by brothers Joel and Ryan O’Keefe (who were later joined by David Roads and Justin Street), who have grown up with a healthy respect for the fine art that is ‘’foot to the floor rock n’ roll’‘. They were recently crowned “Best New Band of 2008” in the annual Classic Rock Magazine awards.They were also nominated for “Best Rock Album” at the Arias, against Silverchair, Powderfinger and Grinspoon. They did not win, but proved to be a crowd favorite nonetheless. Their sound is usually compared to that of Aussie rock legends AC/DC, though they also draw heavy influence from other Aussie bands ...
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Airbourne albums and songs lyrics

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Airbourne - No nuts. No glory. lyrics No nuts. No glory. lyrics
Airbourne - Runnin wild lyrics
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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Airbourne music. Our databases have 4 albums and a total of 50 songs of Airbourne lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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