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Puscifer music lyrics

Puscifer lyrics
Puscifer is an experimental project by Maynard James Keenan (Tool/A Perfect Circle). Here, he experiments with a lot different sounds and ideas that have little to do with rock. Puscifer is as much a clothing line as it is a band, and Maynard James Keenan has described it as Simply a playground for the various voices in my head, it's a space with no clear or discernible goals. It's where my Id, Ego, and Anima all come together to exchange cookie recipes. For a long time the only released tracks were REV 22:20, REV 22:20 (REV 4:20 Mix) (remixed by Charlie Clouser) and The Undertaker (Renholder Mix) featured on the Underworld - 2003 ...
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Puscifer albums and songs lyrics

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Puscifer - Existential reckoning lyrics Existential reckoning lyrics
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Puscifer - Apocalyptical lyrics
Apocalyptical lyrics 
Apocalyptical at spotify
Apocalyptical lyrics
Puscifer - Money shot lyrics
Money shot lyrics 
Money shot at Money shot at wikipedia Money shot at spotify
Money shot lyrics
Puscifer - Donkey punch the night lyrics Donkey punch the night lyrics
Puscifer - Conditions of my parole lyrics Conditions of my parole lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Puscifer music. Our databases have 5 albums and a total of 43 songs of Puscifer lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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