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Warbeast music lyrics

Warbeast lyrics
Warbeast is a Thrash Metal band signed by Philip Anselmo's housecore records, with their debut album "Krush The Enemy" coming up this year. They were formerly known as "Texas Metall Alliance" however changed their name to "Warbeast" in early 2009. They are: Vocals: Bruce Corbitt (also in Rigor Mortis) Lead Guitars: Rick Perry Lead Guitars: Scott Shelby Bass: Alan Bovee Drums: Joe Gonzales (Philip H. Anselmo & The Illegals)...
Warbeast official site Warbeast at spotify Warbeast at Warbeast at myspace 2846 views

Warbeast albums and songs lyrics

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Warbeast - Enter the arena lyrics
Enter the arena lyrics 
Enter the arena at Enter the arena at spotify
Enter the arena lyrics
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Warbeast - Destroy lyrics
Destroy lyrics 
Destroy at Destroy at spotify
Destroy lyrics
Warbeast - War of the gargantuas lyrics War of the gargantuas lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Warbeast music. Our databases have 3 albums and a total of 23 songs of Warbeast lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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