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Superbird lyrics by Fu Manchu

Fu Manchu Superbird lyrics
  • track 6 of 8, total running time
  • album No One Rides For Free
  • released in 1994
  • produced by
  • record label
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No One Rides For Free tracklist

released 1994 via

1. Time To Fly
2. Ojo Rojo
3. Show And Shine
4. Mega-bumpers
5. Free And Easy (summer Girls)
6. Superbird lyrics
7. Shine It On
8. Snakebellies
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Took my Superbird
Down to the track
Saw a Camaro
Pull in the stacks
Flag went down
Hear the rubber burn
Lucky shift
Got me in the turn

Must have been ridin
With lady luck
Flipping his wig
His gears are stuck
The Camaro..
so far behind
I'm out of gear
Coasting to the line!


Foot off the gas
A man alive
I shoved it down in
To overdrive
I pulled away
I'm feeling fine
Superbird screaming

More info about Superbird lyrics

check here the lyrics for Superbird, the 6th song of the 8 recorded for the album No One Rides For Free, with a total running time of , by Fu Manchu. It was released on via , and produced by .
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