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Eatin' Dust lyrics by Fu Manchu

Fu Manchu Eatin Dust lyrics
  • track 4 of 8, total running time
  • album Eatin' Dust
  • released in 1999
  • produced by
  • record label
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Eatin' Dust tracklist

released 1999 via

1. Godzilla
2. Module Overload
3. Living Legend
4. Eatin' Dust lyrics
5. Shift Kicker
6. Orbiter
7. Mongoose
8. Pigeon Toe
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Eatin' Dust song lyrics

The road demon sees... spinnin last.. four speeds
Convoy says lets roll!
Innerstate... time to go!
King of the mountain screams... pedal down.. seven three
Driver rolled his eyes... search light... they shine

Land controller
All seer.. All knower
Dual freak lies... headfirst downside
Its overblown.. by now.. they know
5 miles to go... in 20 years.. they'll show

Engines die down...
Slow paced.. low ground
Crowd gathers near... what they saw.. what they hear
Had a job to do.. right side.. straight through
The light starts to rise.. some left.. hell of a ride

More info about Eatin' Dust lyrics

check here the lyrics for Eatin' Dust, the 4th song of the 8 recorded for the album Eatin' Dust, with a total running time of , by Fu Manchu. It was released on via , and produced by .
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