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Asking Alexandria music lyrics

Asking Alexandria lyrics
Asking Alexandria are a British metalcore band from York, North Yorkshire. Founded in 2008 when Ben Bruce (lead guitar) contacted his old companions upon returning to the UK after residing in Dubai. The current line-up of the group consists of Ben Bruce (lead guitar), Danny Worsnop (vocals), Cameron Liddell (rhythm guitar), Sam Bettley (bass guitar) and James Cassells (drums). Current members: Ben Bruce – lead guitar, programming, backing vocals James Cassells – drums Cameron Liddell – rhythm guitar Danny Worsnop – lead vocals, keyboards, programming Sam Bettley – bass guitar Former members: Ryan Binns – keyboards, synthesizers, programming Joe Lancaster – bass guitar Discography Studio albums: 1. Stan ...
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Asking Alexandria albums and songs lyrics

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Asking Alexandria - Where do we go from here? lyrics Where do we go from here? lyrics
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Asking Alexandria - See whats on the inside lyrics See whats on the inside lyrics
Asking Alexandria - Like a house on fire lyrics Like a house on fire lyrics
Asking Alexandria - Asking alexandria lyrics Asking alexandria lyrics
Asking Alexandria - The black lyrics
The black lyrics 
The black at The black at wikipedia The black at spotify
The black lyrics
Asking Alexandria - From death to destiny lyrics From death to destiny lyrics
Asking Alexandria - Stand up and scream lyrics Stand up and scream lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Asking Alexandria music. Our databases have 7 albums and a total of 86 songs of Asking Alexandria lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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