A life and a shovel song lyrics
It's amazing how the colors seem to disappear
It seems funny how the wind seems to blow through your hair
Come here for a little while
Near for a broken heart
As calm as you seem I won't follow
Lately things seem to be swallowed
This I know
It's amazing how the sunlight glows through your eyes
Skin like a porcelain doll leaving your eyesight on me, yeah
Come here for a little while
Near for it breaks my heart
As calm as you seem I won't follow
Lately things seem to be swallowed
Theres blood on your shirt
I hold onto you
Theres blood on your head
Your face, I erase
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lyrics for A life and a shovel, the 2th song of the 7 recorded for the album Yesterdays son, with a total running time of , by The Mayan Factor. It was released on via , and produced by .