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Five Horse Johnson music lyrics

Five Horse Johnson lyrics
Five Horse Johnson is Eric Oblander (Harp & Vocals), Brad Coffin (Guitar & Vocals), Steve Smith (Bass), Phil Durr (Guitar) and Eric Miller - Drums. The band formed in 1995 in Toledo, Ohio, USA. Smith, Oblander, and Coffin decided to get down to the business of playing blues based rock the way they heard it in their punk and classic rock infested heads. For their 2006 album “The Mystery Spot”, the band collaborated with Jean Paul Gaster of Clutch on drums. They quickly found themselves sharing the stage with the likes of Big Jack Johnson and War after just two weeks of being a band, that’s just how long it took FHJ to put together their first set. Their next several years were spent in the dingy little clubs of A...
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Five Horse Johnson albums and songs lyrics

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Five Horse Johnson - The taking of a black heart lyrics The taking of a black heart lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Five Horse Johnson music. Our databases have 1 albums and a total of 11 songs of Five Horse Johnson lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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