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Second breath lyrics by Arcane Roots

Arcane Roots Second breath lyrics
  • track 8 of 10, total running time
  • album Blood & chemistry
  • released in 2013
  • produced by
  • record label
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Blood & chemistry tracklist

released 2013 via

1. Energy is never lost, just redire
2. Resolve
3. Belief
4. Sacred shapes
5. Hell & high water
6. Triptych
7. Slow Slow Youtube video included
8. Second breath lyrics
9. Held like kites
10. You keep me here
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With dead weight and back hands
We formed the black hand
And we're holding on
With bated hearts

We broke the beckoned
And we loathed the seconds that we gave too long
We won't be long

We won't be second
When I hold you up

We aren't like people you know
We are the people with air in our lungs
So give it a rest

So save them
Your little lies and fodder
No regrets
You won't go any further

So now we're coming up for air
I didn't need a second breath
Holding to what we knew

With every twitch your body makes
I feel the air inside escape
Choking, we are renewed
So breathe in

Lay your body down, you know it's better believed

So when you feel like the inertia's died
When you feel the fires align
We all know you can erase in time
So just hold on

There will be no toxins or lairs in our eyes
We will be the love lost and bitter tides
So give your breath to me
We will

More info about Second breath lyrics

check here the lyrics for Second breath, the 8th song of the 10 recorded for the album Blood & chemistry, with a total running time of , by Arcane Roots. It was released on via , and produced by .
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