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Rival Sons music lyrics

Rival Sons lyrics
Match Sons is an American shake band from Long Beach, California. Framed in 2009 from the fiery debris of Scott Holiday's past band The Black Summer Crush that highlighted vocalist Thomas Flowers (Oleander), Michael Miley, and Robin Everhart. Match Sons was conceived when Jay Buchanan was influenced to take a stab at playing rock'n'roll and re-record 'Before The Fire'. The band at present components bassist Dave Beste after Robin Everhart left in August 2013. Marked to Earache Records the band discharged their most up to date collection June 6 in Europe, ninth in UK, tenth in USA (2014).
Surveying the band's collection Head Down for the BBC Greg Moffitt portrayed the gathering's sound as "zapping mix of Led Zeppelin, Free, Bad Company, Deep Purple, The Doors and twelve others."...
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Rival Sons albums and songs lyrics

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Rival Sons - Head down lyrics
Head down lyrics 
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Rival Sons - Pressure & time lyrics
Pressure & time lyrics 
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Pressure & time lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Rival Sons music. Our databases have 7 albums and a total of 61 songs of Rival Sons lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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