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The Heavy music lyrics

The Heavy lyrics
The Heavy are a soul-influenced indie rock band which formed in Bath, England in 2007. The band consists of Kelvin Swaby (vocals), Dan Taylor (guitar), Spencer Page (bass), Chris Ellul (drums) and formerly, Hannah Collins (keyboards). According to Songfacts, when The Heavy performed How Do You Like Me Now? on Late Night With David Letterman, they so impressed the host that he asked the band to play some more - the first time that’s ever happened on the show. The band claims to be from the village of Noid, England, near Bath. However, no such town exists in England. “Noid” has been suspected of being a pun on the “No ID, No Sale” campaign in pubs in the UK. The core of The Heavy are Swaby and Taylor, who ...
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The Heavy albums and songs lyrics

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The Heavy - Sons lyrics
Sons lyrics 
Sons at Sons at spotify
Sons lyrics
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The Heavy - Hurt & the merciless lyrics Hurt & the merciless lyrics
The Heavy - The glorious dead lyrics
The glorious dead lyrics 
The glorious dead at The glorious dead at spotify
The glorious dead lyrics
The Heavy - The house that dirt built lyrics The house that dirt built lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to The Heavy music. Our databases have 4 albums and a total of 43 songs of The Heavy lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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