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Dinner lady arms lyrics by The Darkness

The Darkness Dinner lady arms lyrics
  • track 4 of 10, total running time
  • album One way ticket to hell... and back
  • released in 2005
  • produced by
  • record label
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One way ticket to hell... and back tracklist

released 2005 via

1. One way ticket
2. Knockers
3. Is it just me?
4. Dinner lady arms lyrics
5. Seemed like a good idea at the time
6. Hazel eyes
7. Bald
8. Girlfriend
9. English country garden
10. Blind man
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We had a good thing, it was a blast
That was a long time in the past
You went through changes & I went away
And I have regretted that to this day

I may not always have quite so much hair
But what you saw in me will hopefully always be there
I'll never hurt you again, I swear


So put your arrrrrms around me, your dinner lady arms

I couldn't figure out where your figure had gone
I thought that I could live without you baby I was so wrong

So put your arrrrrms around me, your dinner lady arms
Your dinner lady arms

Forgive and forget I caused you some pain
Find it in your heart to start again

I know I'll never be your Mister Right
But I'm happy to be your mister that will do for tonight
I'll never let you out of my sight.

I may be light years past on my sell-by date
but there's what we are forgetting, it's not too late
Put your arrrrrms around me, your dinner lady arms dinner lady arms

Forgive and forget I caused you some pain
Find it in your heart to start again
I know I'll never be your Mister Right
But I'm happy to be your mister that will do for tonight
I'll never let you out of my sight.

So put your arrrrrms around me, your dinner lady arms

I couldn't figure out where you'd figure had gone
I thought that I could live without you baby I was so wrong
Put your arrrrrms around me, your dinner lady arms, HUH!


I may be light years past on my sell-by date
but there's what we are forgetting, it's not too late
Put your arrrrrms around me, your dinner lady arms dinner lady arms

More info about Dinner lady arms lyrics

check here the lyrics for Dinner lady arms, the 4th song of the 10 recorded for the album One way ticket to hell... and back, with a total running time of , by The Darkness. It was released on via , and produced by .
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