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Nothin's gonna stop us lyrics by The Darkness

The Darkness Nothins gonna stop us lyrics
  • track 2 of 11, total running time
  • album Hot cakes
  • released in 2012
  • produced by
  • record label
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Nothin's gonna stop us song lyrics

"I am no messenger
But I will give you a message
The message of death"

When you're cycling thought the city at night
And you're dodging beams of Parky's light
I got my fingers greasy and you didn't care
I was fixing your chain while you're fixing your hair
Rolling on tarmac and walking on air
Nothin's Gonna Stop Us
Nothin's Gonna Stop Us
Nothin's Gonna Stop Us Now
Nothin's Gonna Stop Us
Nothin's Gonna Stop Us
Fixing Your Hair
Nothin's Gonna Stop Us
Nothin's Gonna Stop Us
Nothin's Gonna Stop Us Now

Past the beach huts on the promenade
'Cos it doesn't matter where we are
Not when you're on the stunt pegs and I'm in the chair
I was pulling a wheelie, you're pulling my hair
They'll never catch us 'cos we're catchin air
Nothin's Gonna Stop Us
Nothin's Gonna Stop Us
Nothin's Gonna Stop Us Now
Nothin's Gonna Stop Us
Nothin's Gonna Stop Us
Fixing Your Hair
Nothin's Gonna Stop Us
Nothin's Gonna Stop Us
Nothin's Gonna Stop Us Now

More info about Nothin's gonna stop us lyrics

check here the lyrics for Nothin's gonna stop us, the 2th song of the 11 recorded for the album Hot cakes, with a total running time of , by The Darkness. It was released on via , and produced by .
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