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Social butterfly lyrics by Soul Asylum

Soul Asylum Social butterfly lyrics
  • track 6 of 13, total running time
  • album Hurry up and wait
  • released in April 17, 2020
  • produced by
  • record label
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Social butterfly song lyrics

When I was younger
I thought I would die
Now I'm a little bit older
I still go out at night

Need someone to talk to
Hope I say something right
I go home alone
A social butterfly

I'm gonna come outta my coma
Gonna try to make things right
Stay out all night, tryin' to get a bite
Like a social butterfly

Now I'm just like a moth
Flyin' into the fire
And I fly by night
Lookin' for the nearest light

I saw you at the party
And we got in a fight
And now I miss you like
Yellow to the color blind

And I'm comin' outta my coma
I'm gonna come out tonight
Lookin' for a little reaction
I'm like a social butterfly

If I could do
What I wanna do with you
I'd crawl right back
Into my cocoon

You know I'm gonna come outta my coma
I'm gonna set the night on fire
I'll see you there
Don't be square
You're a social butterfly
Like a social butterfly
A social butterfly

More info about Social butterfly lyrics

check here the lyrics for Social butterfly, the 6th song of the 13 recorded for the album Hurry up and wait, with a total running time of , by Soul Asylum. It was released on April 17, 2020 via , and produced by .
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