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New world lyrics by Soul Asylum

Soul Asylum New world lyrics
  • track 7 of 12, total running time
  • album Grave dancers union
  • released in 1992
  • produced by
  • record label
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Grave dancers union tracklist

released 1992 via

1. Somebody to shove
2. Black gold
3. Runaway train
4. Keep it up
5. Homesick
6. Get on out
7. New world lyrics
8. April fool
9. Without a trace
10. Growing into you
11. 99%
12. The sun maid
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Lives in a little lonely town
No one's around except for the drinking
Nobody ever gets around
But those who leave the township sinking

May you rot in heaven
Gotta be home by seven

And the field burns away
The sky breathes it in
So why sit and wait for the new world to begin

I'm comin' out across your border
With new orders for you to take
I'd really like to take out your daughter
Down in the water, down by the lake

When the cold water's on her skin
I can feel how long it's been

And the neighbors will all be there
And no one will know what to wear
So why sit and wait for the world to begin

I got a lot I gotta do
Just to get through the end of the day
It hardly ever even happens
But I go to sleep the same anyway

And you can't believe in yourself
You can't believe in anyone else
So why sit and wait for the new world to begin

More info about New world lyrics

check here the lyrics for New world, the 7th song of the 12 recorded for the album Grave dancers union, with a total running time of , by Soul Asylum. It was released on via , and produced by .
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