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Evans Blue music lyrics

Evans Blue lyrics
Dan Chandler – Vocals Parker Lauzon – Guitar V – Guitar Joe Pitter – Bass Evans Blue is currently in the studio with long-time producer Trevor Kustiak, putting the finishing touches on their much-anticipated fourth album GRAVEYARD OF EMPIRES, coming April 17th from Sounds+Sights. The first single “This Time It’s Different” is climbing the charts at active rock and alternative radio and promises to deliver on its title. Evans Blue has closed the third chapter, and with album four, the band is ready to start a brand new trilogy with a new attitude to match. Dan Chandler elaborates, “With the last record, we were writing songs before I even met the guys in person, really fast. Since then, we’ve grown a ton as a b...
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Evans Blue albums and songs lyrics

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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Evans Blue music. Our databases have 1 albums and a total of 12 songs of Evans Blue lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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