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Sacrifice music lyrics

Sacrifice lyrics
There are multiple artists with the same name: 1) Sacrifice is a Canadian thrash metal band. They formed in Toronto in 1985 with Rob Urbinati on vocals and guitar, Joe Rico on guitar, Scott Watts on bass and Gus Pynn on drums, who was born and raised in Corner Brook, Newfoundland. Gus currently plays drums for a Toronto based band, The 3tards. On September 23rd, 2006, the original lineup of Sacrifice reunited for a single show in Toronto as headliner of the Day of the Equinox II festival. 2) Sacrifice is a Thrash metal band from Japan, check Sacrifice 3) Sacrifice was a Power Metal band from Switzerland. 4) Sacrifice was a heavy metal band from France. 5) Sacrifice was a heavy metal band from Italy. 6...
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Sacrifice albums and songs lyrics

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Sacrifice - Apocalypse Inside lyrics
Apocalypse Inside lyrics 
Apocalypse Inside lyrics
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Sacrifice - Soldiers Of Misfortune lyrics
Soldiers Of Misfortune lyrics 
Soldiers Of Misfortune lyrics
Sacrifice - Forward To Termination lyrics
Forward To Termination lyrics 
Forward To Termination lyrics
Sacrifice - Torment In Fire lyrics
Torment In Fire lyrics 
Torment In Fire lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Sacrifice music. Our databases have 4 albums and a total of 38 songs of Sacrifice lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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