Gimme stitches song lyrics
I can be your right of way
So we can get out of here
I'll always be the one who runs from everyone
Cause everyone's just too weird
Sink with someone tied to me
I'm making you volunteer
Another one has come and gone
They crawl along, make them disappear
Dress me up in stitches it's now or never
Tired of wearing black and blue
Dress me up in stitches it's now or never
Dying to get my blood on you
Blood on you
Take another stab at me, I promise in time I'll heal
But yesterday went on and on a bit too long
I waited out on High Street
There's nothing to find out here
Another day has come and gone
They crawl along, wasting all these years
Dress me up in stitches it's now or never
Tired of wearing black and blue
Dress me up in stitches it's now or never
Dying to get my blood on you
How can you go on when you're murdering someone
Killing me like you do
Gimme stitches now or never
Gimme stitches now or never
Gimme stitches now or never
Blood on you
Blood on you
Blood on you
Blood on you
Blood on you
Blood on you
Dress me up in stitches it's now or never
Tired of wearing black and blue
Dress me up in stitches it's now or never
Dying to get my blood on you
How can you go on when you're murdering someone
Killing me like you do
Gimme stitches now or never
Gimme stitches now or never
Gimme stitches now or never
Gimme stitches now or never
Blood on you
Blood on you
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lyrics for Gimme stitches, the 4th song of the 11 recorded for the album There is nothing left to lose, with a total running time of , by Foo Fighters. It was released on via , and produced by .